
Transport logistic – Giuseppe Terracciano reports on the first day at the fair

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Projects need intend. Results need continuity.
Our intention was to present Tgroup as a pallet transport company with a truthful Italian trait.

It turned out to be a successful approach.

This first day gave us fantastic opportunities. The City Union Loigistics Company appreciated our differentiated values and the advantages granted by our services and the benefits which may result in a co-operation with us. When we talked about national presence with Zijing Zhu – General Manager Assistant –, he immediately understood the validity of our business proposition as we provide an indefatigable organization (which is present in 70% of Italian provinces) capable of grant a shared liability for cargo which is transported ethically and sensibly exactly as companies prefer: a predominately green fleet.

With a stand that manages to emerge as unique -considering how uniform the international landscape appears – we have been able to give our essential idea of reception and recognition.

The first day has gone. Every encounter here is an exchange of ideas which in turn results in an opportunity. One of the strongest aspects of this fair is the possibility to put oneself out there, and we are playing our cards right.

The week is still young and we surely are going to meet many more exclusive partners.